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December 17, 2014 @ 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM America/New York Timezone
Miami Innovation Center
1951 Northwest 7th Avenue
Miami, FL 33136

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When pushes to production fail the “blame game” starts between developers and devops, then everyone scurries to figure out what happened…fast! Adam Culp will show how a PHP application can be deployed flawlessly using Jenkins. Then see how “Dev” and “Ops” are supported by a system if the application breaks and the nightmare happens.

Adam Culp (@AdamCulp) author of “Refactoring 101” and consultant at Zend Technologies is passionate about developing with PHP and contributes to many open source projects.  He organizes the SunshinePHP Developer Conference and South Florida PHP Users Group (SoFloPHP) where he enjoys helping others write good code, implement standards, refactor efficiently, and incorporate unit and functional testing into their projects.  He is a Zend Certified PHP 5.3 Engineer, and holds a seat on the Zend Framework Certification Advisory Board.  When he is not coding or contributing to various developer communities, he can be found hiking around the United States National Parks, teaching judo, or long(ultra) distance running.